Student Services
The Prairie Rose Student Services team is responsible for the provision of appropriate supports to foster school and classroom communities where all students, including those with diverse needs and abilities, have a sense of personal belonging and achievement. Supports for students and staff include:
Adapted, Modified or Individualized Programs
Services of division Resource Teachers, Guidance Counsellors, School Psychologists, Social Workers, Speech-Language Pathologists, and Behaviour Analysts
Education Assistant Support
Services of Occupational Therapists, Physio Therapists
Transition Planning (school entry and school leaving)
School-Based Mental Health Promotion & Developmentally Responsive Environments
Applications to Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth for special needs categorical funding
Professional development of Student services support staff.
Development and implementation of Student Services Policies.
Consultation with Hearing, Vision, and Special Ed Consultants from Manitoba, Citizenship & Youth
Liaison with agencies outside the school division.
For further information regarding these and other services please contact PRSD at 204-745-2003
Additional Resources